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Dental extraction is the term used to refer to the procedure of pulling out a tooth from its socket in the bone. In most cases, a tooth is pulled out if it is completely damaged. That is, when the tooth can no longer be saved by any other means. There are many other cases that will require a dentist to pull out a tooth. In each of these cases, a dentist may need to do either a simple or surgical type of dental extraction.

Dental extraction is simple when it involves teeth that are visible and can be removed easily by forceps or an elevator. Meanwhile, dental extraction is surgical when a dentist has to create incisions into the connective tissue to reach the tooth that needs to be removed. A surgical dental incision is typically performed on impacted tooth, or wisdom tooth that is stuck under the gums. Dentists are able to see the presence of an impacted tooth through an x-ray.

How is Dental Extraction Done?

When the gum surrounding the tooth to be extracted is swelling, the dentist may prescribe the patient to take antibiotics for three to five days or longer before the actual extraction. The dentist may also drain the infection to help the antibiotics and the immune system slow down the bacteria. The dentist cannot inject anesthesia into the infection or it could spread it even more.

The first step of a dental extraction is the injection of local anesthesia. The anesthesia will numb the teeth and surrounding tissues, which will make the patient not feel anything while the tooth is being pulled out. There are patients who say that the injection hurt a little bit. Others report that they did not feel anything at all.

The dentist will then test if the anesthesia has taken effect, which is done by pressing a dental on the gum tissue immediately surrounding the tooth. This step is also done to detach the tissue from around the tooth. The dentist may also use his or her fingers to press on the different areas of the tooth to make sure that it is ready for extraction.

The dentist may have a lot of tools beside him or her while doing the extraction. Yet, generally, the forceps are enough to do the job. Dental forceps look like pliers, which the dentist uses to hold the tooth tightly and pull I tout of its socket. These pliers vary in shape to accommodate different tooth sizes, structures, and contours.

What to Expect During and After an Extraction?

The patient will feel pressure during an extraction. That, however, does not necessarily mean that pain will follow. The anesthesia has caused the nerves to stop sensing pain. It means that pain should be the last thing to worry about during an extraction.

Yet, if the patient still feels pain, he or she should tell the dentist about it. The dentist will inject more anesthesia to deal with it. The patient will have to be sure that it is pain and not just pressure that he or she is feeling. The anesthesia will not take away the pressure. The dentist, however, can loosen up his or her grip or his or her push on the tooth to minimize the pressure.

The time it will take for a dentist to finish an extraction depends on a lot of things. Some teeth take only a few minutes to pull out. Others can take more than an hour. A root can get broken while being extracted and leave behind fragments that are more difficult to remove. If it happens, the dentist will have to dig through the gums to find the missing piece and pull it out. Again, because there is anesthesia, the patient will not have to worry about pain.

Once the extraction is done, the dentist will place a piece of gauze over the wound. The patient will have to bite down to put steady pressure on the affected area. This will help control the bleeding. The patient will be advised to rest and apply ice pack to the face the moment that he or she gets home. The ice pack is to prevent swelling. When the effect of the anesthesia lapses, the patient might start to feel pain. This does not happen all the time though.

How to Prepare for an Extraction

A dental extraction is not a major procedure. Not so much of a preparation is necessary, although it is advisable to schedule it on a weekend. It is important that the patient is both psychically and emotionally ready for it. An extraction, especially when a patient is having it for the first, can be intimidating. The patient will have to communicate with the dentist so that the dentist can find a way to help the patient manage his or her fears.

Hence, it is important for a patient to find a dentist that he or she can be comfortable with. The dentist should be easy to talk to and have the patience to answer all your queries in detail. It also makes sense to find a dentist whose clinic is in close proximity to his or her home. A patient would not want to travel far after having an extraction or a major dental procedure done. A dentist who is close by also comes in handy in the event of a dental emergency.

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